Saturday, 23 May 2009

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia, Says!

Say Indonesia One

One Indonesia, Says!

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

Bless Indonesian man that says

Blessings Indonesian degree independent

Arouse Indonesia on independent aware ones

Indonesia arouses that aware independent

One that independent is aware!

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

Pertiwi don't distraught

Pertiwi don't wrath

We are our tear blood

Want to dance on era party

Want to warble for change

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

Nine war were made ready

Respect life, start up death

The winner is chastity

Nine truth unite in wisdom

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

Beware doubtfulness

Give place on dread for recessed

Road time out of mind at head

Nocturnal hunting without window

Blue moon is passed without confident on soul and illuminated

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

At any given place, we must depart

At any given time, we must hunt

Depart the places, hunt the times

On era heart, we turn over to warm up

On struggle beat, we celebrate life

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

Revolution never angers, burning body don't change

We this is that have to anger

We … once more our … one burn changing

Turn on torch at grasp is aware

Hit drum at your braving ear

Flip changing at your rock chest

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

I advise to independent

I am your independent to far seeing

Are not independent


Are not Indonesian

Say Indonesia One, One Indonesia says!

Stay poem ours

Young Men

Young Men

Let to ask

On the level, let again we ask

With what we will rebuild consciousness

Already don't recollect, and even was unrecognized

Effect of big oversight that arranged by dainty a few person

For pride and for …

Once more strictly for …

With what and where awareness of we find

Already been buried, most devours by blood by wound

We, epoch, earth, water and Indonesia air

Flop in, in really

Until can't be remembered, until can't be known

Washing head, veering history

If needs, ask by piece

On every head, on soul

To is have once issued blood

One that wound and wilt

And is now is at earth basic,

Stay bone, stay …

Just leaves void

Don’t know, now they where

What do have once you expect

How is blood mean, tear and sweat that has once been douched

To one word, Indonesia

Cardiac beat, breathing swoosh, soul and resentment wail

They that have once been cluttered and are forgotten

By you the rider and history loser

Will remain nuzzle input in sleeping, in remembering

As dream which frighten

One that coming without invited

And at call can switch off

This nation big nation

Let humanitarianisms idealistically beginning from here

This nation abundant nation

All life can live here

At aboveground, above the waters and up the stairs air

With candidness with wisdom

Dowse life

Let, I, you and another one, let us say

While extant one we can say

Price life, love humanitarianism

For soul and of soul that bargains for

See, crawl, clefting nighted desert

Unlocking leaden dumbness

With candidness, with wisdom

With them that buried

They that most clutter

They who pine and they which are forgotten

Build, embrace to find

Time thread culturists already flying get lost

Jointly this is still please

Back history consciousness that has once been slept

Independent at aboveground, independent above the waters and independent upon air

Get goal for civilization to outgrow and glorious

Since there position of struggle righteousness for populist humanitarianism


Thursday, 21 May 2009



Be third world state that become victimizing. States of G-8 constitute group the most are in control of faced multidimensional crisis world now, but G-8 plans to make amends state as bumper crisis. Its trick is by design one new strategy in order to make amends state as place to dredge up resources via investment, new dependable creation with book debt, and pushes market uncovering for forward state product expansions.

This is that as because Indonesian involvement in G-20 which is as rescuer for crisis which is faced G-8. This experience is kindred with attacking to this state on colonial term, in order to settle crisis that be faced, European forward states, then Japan, troop robs Indonesia.

Eventually far before finance crisis knocks over to universalize on 2008, Indonesian economics was knocked over by continuous crisis that peaks it upon monetary crisis on 1997. Effect that is evoked not only destroy financial sector and bank, but then far turns in at rill's economy sector, industry, plantation, service and Small Enterprise and Intermediate (SME) at Indonesia.

Effect of monetary crisis where Indonesia suffers acute utmost impact was healing until now. Nearly Indonesia’s people half just gets income among USD 1-2 everyday, at least 45 percents of employ comprise indigent categories or get incomes under IDR 600.000 per moon and more than 62 percents of 94 million working person do to talk shop at informal sector. While formal sector effort, carrying on their business activity ala not permanent and vulnerable experiences bankruptcy.

While is United States Of America financial crisis contaminate to go to another forward states as Japanese As, European states, China etc., back Indonesian economics accept impact that don't defeat acute. Foundation economy which deteriorates, bad industry, and big dependency on external factors as book debt abroad, strange investment, raw material import for industrial manufacture and raw material export, have caused this state economics as so vulnerable on global the change of situation.

Effect of global economic situation dilution, until in the early year 2009 hundreds firm experience bankruptcies, disadvantages bank have up to is more than IDR 300 milliards and some amongst those bankrupt that followed by Work Relation Disconnection, Indonesian bank (BI) was forfeit foreign exchange hundreds trillion to settle crisis impact to currency appreciative decreases.

One of the most crisis impact acute and gets direct bearing with fated people is Work Relation Disconnection (WRD). At Indonesia, estimated around 200 thousand WRD that will happen year-around 2009. While, upon same happening added new labor force among 2 – 2,5 million person, added again with unemployment already reaches 11 million person. This situation very weight, this situation not only impacted economic but then gets to evoke politics social implication that extensive.

Saturday, 16 May 2009



By: Hadziq Moeshoffa

One from the beginning move clan shall be aware, that explanation and mankind history options just can't be placed on conference aim that just departed from death socialism and absurdity avoids capitalism success. Because history does ever note, from crisis goes to crisis, capitalism does ever bear new formulation about more exploitation pattern intensive and most systematic. Therefore doesn't marvel, KTT G20'S recommendation result in The London Summit ago just give more mandates to World Bank and another development banks for progressively increase loan capacity via "global expenditure support fund" to third world states.

Besides, to cure capitalism economic system molder, over and above do fiscal stimulus and monetary, in this KTT looks clear available wish to reanimate market mechanism that finds time to be delayed deep Doha WTO Lap – therefore G-20 initiation deep reforms Bretton Woods Institutions (IMF/World Bank) under commando of forward states with subterfuge increases voice and effloresce state participations sooths will only dribble the world states turn in at new book debt schemes that just will progressively trap third world state economics turn in at turn in at water gap beggary and dependency that progressively deep.

In the middle sharp criticism on bust of neoliberal capitalism economic system now, state group G-8 still declare for their commitment on market economy principles, free trade, financial liberalization and open investment one that is looked on can push economic growth and reduces poverty, with ask out amends state for engaged more intensive at in it. Besides also seeming that initiative for reform Bretton Woods Institutions (IMF/World Bank) one that lies under state commando go forward. Step that reform is attributed to strengthen international financial institution roles in order to market economy system restorations are free that be collaps. They also refuse protectionism practice that reputed opposition to free market principle.

Eventually, neoliberal capitalism was evident unsuccessful, financial crisis that stricken world and espoused with fraud scandal is outgrown at financial market is crisis that don't most allaying. Liberalization of financial sector and derivative financial market creation have dragged the world society in deep crisis water gap. Now, universalize PDB just USD 59 trillion, while derivative product point have reached US$ 531 trillion. A greed that greatly and was end with disrepair that doesn't be saved, but with exploitation and coextensive economy expansion

E-Government in Indonesian

E-Government in Indonesian

By: Hadziq Moeshoffa

“Electronic media purpose constitute factor that momentously in various international transactions, particularly deep trade transactions. Settlement that is we perform to have too are led to push Indonesian nation making for information society”. Acclaim such Communication and Information Minister in spontaneous of Communication and Information Minister, Number: 56/kep/m.kominfo/12/2003 About Guidance of Electronic Documents System Management.

That expression figures that technological purpose in governance, notably Internet, or so-called e government stills haven't sided on Indonesian society as a whole and just sides and indulging owners capital. That thing gets to be seen of various following fact:

First, Syamsul Mu'arif, former Communication and Information Minister says that development e government constitutes effort to develop governance management that gets electronics basis in order to increase public service quality effectively and efficient. If e this government was destined for public service step-up, therefore transcendent imprecise because Indonesia is one state which its society majority be still technology stammer. Resident that majority is still under poverty line has known technology besides accesses it.

Second, implement e government purely being attributed for investors strange in order to more net a lot of investment that ironically proportionate reverse with populist economic empowerment effort. Populist economy that necessarily becomes greatest capital for people capital development just ‘assassinated’ by implemented e government that give facility and information amenity for capitalist international.

Third, was its consolidated among telematika's infrastructure procurement with its application. Nusantara-21 telematika's infrastructure concept ones before has once made by governments in the “orde baru” era thus far lost no news. Palapa's satellite that finds time to become pride now haven't as ours. Indosat, one and only telematika's network that we has have been privated, sold by state. Then which infrastructure that we have? Haven't most actually infrastructure this is that will get implication on dependency of nation technology to other nation.

On the other hand, institutional factor or institution constitutes one of aught weakness in telematika developmental now. At alone bureaucracy environment, about 80 percents bureaucracy official indigents in e-government systems technological operation. According to survey, severally elapses while Parliament (DPR) plotting Laptopisasi's project, more than 50 percents DPR'S member evident can't run laptop. Severely constitutes paradox that funny, its bureaucracy is even is still technology stammer, even less its people.

In the middle poor man resource our one has, infrastructure that haven't is equal to, adjustment of technology that is still restrain from aim namely to increase bureaucracy performance and public service, therefore can be said that adjustment of technology e government stills was correct objective.

Therefore was deservedly been done resighting on implement e government that its implement can on the nose objective and according to society expectation namely increasing public service one get party on people and after bureaucracy performance effectiveness.

Sunday, 10 May 2009



By: Ahmad Faiqi

It was juts a hope. I could do what I want to do without any saying of cross guide. I could see the life that I belong to him, without any hand of pretender help. I could say a free word of conscious winning on the widely light evening and running around the readable thought without any blur confusedness of invisible world.

When I was standing on a wild field, the star with its light stared at me. I took my feet a yard to front, the light followed with the wonder. I turned left and back again it kept staring at me. I look at the light, and then, anything seemed blurring. I did not know what was happened. In fact, I have been waked up from my sleep.

Then, the door was knocked. Some one has said “hello” behind the door. What was then? Two people came into my room, my mother and a doctor. “Is there something wrong?” I thought. Where I have been? I was in my home. But why there is doctor here? Or an accident happened to me. It seems looked. But I felt that there is nothing wrong with me. The doctor said something to my mother, and then, looked at me and examined my body. Finding something, he then told an unclear sentence to my mother. Then, the two people went from my room out.

Lying on a bed alone, my mind was flying to wide sky wandering the wild dark dirty jungle to get the light. The light showed itself, but it is different. It is not that I hope. I turned around and saw the light in a long distance. I went to him. How I was surprised, that I was entering a desert. I did not know where it was. It is full of light. I walked by feet on the desert for long time. My sweat was going out from my body, and I felt so thirsty. I looked around for looking water. But what I have seen is a barren land, which is full of sand in any place. Slowly, I got my feet walking on the sand, slowly, slowly and very slowly. Finally, I fell down to the sand. I had no strength to be standing by. On heavy eyes, I saw water a few yards in front of me. I tried to get it, but I could not move my hand. No word that I could say. All parts of my body were a weary pound. I could not see even a little bit light. Then anything is dark and pitch black.

A shaft of light came to me, a candlelight that was standing over a grave. The grave was under a very dense tree, between many graves on the resting place. What it was been? How can I be on the graves covered by frosty dibble darkness? I afraid fully was directed to the candlelight that was being the brightness light on the wide darkness. A raven was flying above me uttering horrifying sounds. I kept turned on the light. I was exactly standing near the candlelight that was on the gravestone. It is indeed queer so. How can a burned candle be on the dark quiet grave? But I did not hear it. I took the candle, and looked at to the gravestone. I clean the dusty gravestone and read the note on it. How startled I was, it is written by my name with a note “on a best memorial”. It was my grave. Suddenly, a gloomy ghost was staying behind me. I screamed and ran as fast as I can. The candle calmed and fell on the ground. I felt that the ghost was still following me. And I kept running till unfortunately my feet did not stand on the ground. I was flying down to the hollow deep hole.

Snapped, I was laying on the bed. My body is full of sweat. But I felt so cold. I looked at to the window of my room. It was opened. The bulbul sounded “to with to who” on the far tree that I could see. The moon was still on his place above the thick leaves tree that was standing high facing to the heaven. His round bright light entered my room through the window. A cold wind penetrated the cracks in the wall. A shadow was flying around the moon when I enjoyed looking the moonlight. “Is that the ghost who chased after me in my dream?” I thought, “How he could be here?” Suddenly, the shadow moved around so fast, then he direct to me like an arrow. He came in my room and blocked my sight way. The shadow filled my room with the darkness and press down my body. I could do anything. My body was cramp, and I was difficult to breath. I screamed as strong as I can with all of the remained sound. “If there is no one can hear my voices, may be it is the end of my day”, I felt on afraid. I screamed and screamed. Then the door was opened.

My mother came into my room and opened the window. It was morning when the sun shows its face. All of my body was tired and weak. I felt so thirsty and hungry. I asked my mother to take me a glass of water and some food. She gave the water on my lips and fed me the food. “What day is today mom? And what was happened to me?” I asked to my mother. “Today is Sunday, and you have been sleeping for three days since Friday”, she explained. “You are faint after you fall down from your motorbike, and now, you have just woke up”, she added. I was amazed. I have been unconscious for three days and my mind was wandering to unknown and unidentified world. As though, a soul has guided my hand like a blind person and I have acted out of my control. I was longing the light that is not going to be true. I felt as though I was a converter who looking for a cane for my walking. I was an old man that is learning to be adult. I was really unconscious.

Then, someone knocked the door and my mom walked to open it. It was a doctor behind the door. Now, I knew why he comes to my room. I do not know for many times he had came to my house when I was unconscious. He entered my room and examined me. I was still lying on the bed because I was so weak to wake up. He said that I had been going to be healed. After finish, he meant to go back, but before he came out from he said “for the next time when you intend to run your bike fast on the crowd of traffic, you are better to think for two times”.







By: Ahmad Faiqi

Human life is a kind of phases. Through the phases, human tries to find his own identity. During the phases, he gets him self into question, including what he is and what he should do in human interaction.

The questions on human’s mind then lead them into many ways of interactions and behaviors. Because the human is tied by the social construction, where they live, then there are different behaviors and attitudes of the human because of the different responses of these social constructions. And then it is called personality, human personality.

These phases of human life is that lead into many conflicts of human life, on each phase of human phases of life. And the deepest pain of conflict of human phases is that in adolescent phases, because adolescence is the transition age from childhood into adulthood.

The conflict, the identity crisis that happens in the adolescence age is the most important conflict human being found than any conflicts in other stages of life, because it will determine the human in facing the future. So it is why the role confusion that happens during teenagers is felt as the more painfully age.

Literature, as the one of the product of human, then also represents this human behaviors and interactions with all the conflicts within. It is almost similar with that Dryden (in Siswontoro, 2005:51) stated:

The function of literature is to provide a just and lively image of human nature or at least who agree on the general proposition that the end of literature is some kind of illumination of the human situation. (Daiches, 1981:328)

Fiction, or specifically novel, is one kind of literary work that almost completely records or restructures the human condition in imaginative and creative forms. As Siswontoro state (2005:29) that social realty, psychological realty or even religious realty are kind of terms often we heard when people talk about novel as life realty. It means that some phenomena that are found on a novel could be found on a real life. Whether it is a social phenomenon or psychological or other is depended to the reader as its audience or responder.

Further, the phenomena that are found on a literary works are then used as philosophical reference of the research. It is as that Siswontoro (2005:8) states:

In spite of this, the literature itself must something that could captivate the reader to read and understand it. And as the requirement of this, the literature must have aesthetics values and also must be structured with an aesthetic purpose. And the other one is that the literature must have a recognizable relation with the life, although the relation here is in various ways. It is as Wellek and Warren state:

Literature must always be interesting; it must always have a structure and an aesthetic purpose, a total coherence and effect. It must, of course, stand in recognizable relation to life, but the relation: the life can be heightened or burlesqued or antithesized; it is in any case a selection, of a specifically purposive sort, from life. We have to have knowledge independent of literature in order to know what the specific relation of a specific work to ‘life’ may be”, (1977:212).

As the explanation above, after reading The Catcher in the Rye, a novel of J.D. Salinger, the researcher found that it is interesting to take this novel into a scientific discussion. This novel, with the psychological phenomena within, talking about the personality of the main character “Holden Caulfield”, give us an explanation how when a teenager live between childhood world and adulthood that then leads to the psychological conflict of mind.

J.D. Salinger, his self, is an American novelist that was born in New York City on the first day of 1919 from Jewish Father and Christian Mother. After brief periods of enrolment at both NYU and Columbia University, Salinger devoted himself entirely to writing, and by 1940 he had published several short stories in periodicals (

The novel, The Catcher in the Rye, is first published in United Stated in 1951. And since it was published it remains the controversial to this day. According to the American Library Association, it was the 13th most frequently challenged book of the 1990s. The novel also is one of the famous literary works of the 20th century, and a common part of high-school curricula across the United States and Canada. (

The Catcher in the Rye is novel talking about a teenager, in this case is Holden Caulfield, the main character in the novel, that live in confusing because he lives between two world that absolutely different both of them. The first world is the child world that he catches it as the innocence and the pure world, a world that talks and shows anything as how the anything is. The second world is the adult world that he regards it as the phony world. Adulthood, according to him, is a world that full of pretender and the people that could not act as they are. The adulthood is the world that full of crime, vulgarity and another amuse thing. And even he thinks that he is the phoniest one. Living between childhood and adulthood with all of the confusion, role confusion, finally bring him into the inner turbulence of his mind.

The role confusion that he felt may be the cause of his loneliness and lonesome that he felt during his psychological conflict. The role confusion that makes him in his psychological conflict is then to be something interested to be discussed through the aesthetic values of the novel, The Catcher in the Rye.

Based on all the explanation above, here, the researcher is interesting to take this novel as object of the research. Because, according to the researcher, this novel will give something valuable for the researcher especially, and for the people in general.

The research or the discussion about psychological phenomena of the novel is not to judge the novel as a good or bad novel fiction. But more of that, the researcher is meant to find, define, classify and evaluate the literary work whether the novel has some values that could be used as a model in living in this world, in living in the human world. It is that the human take a prize from what M.H. Abrams state about criticism in literature that “criticism is study concerned on with defining, classifying, analyzing and evaluating works of literature”, (1981:35).

This research, further, is to capture the humanistic values of the novel through the psychological phenomena, which the researcher has explained about it, as something could happen to us as a human, or people in common who feel that they are human.

To capture and explain the psychological phenomena that are found in the novel The Catcher in the Rye, the researcher uses the theory of psychology of Erik Homburger Erikson as the theoretical approach, because the researcher thinks that it is the appropriate to use after regarding the object that is going to be investigated.



Life is too short

Walking in the rough of heart

Can you show me the way of fog

In the dawn when it’s cold and dark

I am sorry Ma

I can’t be far

The time is going too old

Breaking immortality of rock

Morning is morning

When human get clarity life

The dawn is dawning

Should I be sure to survive?

Running, running and running

Oh, the life is running

Come, try to get them

Finally you feel lonesome



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